At the request of many of Jeff's friends, we have set up a bank account for him. Any donations collected will be used for accident related expenses including medical bills and living expenses that would have otherwise been covered by his employment wages. The hospital estimates that his medical expenses could be as much as $5000 or $10000 per day, and we do not yet know when he will be able to return to work. So obviously any help of any amount will help him greatly. We have applied for state assistance on his behalf, but we do not yet have any idea how much assistance it will provide, if at all. Also, because he had just started his job, he was not yet eligible for health insurance and the insurance adjusters have yet to determine if this will be covered by Workers' Comp or other insurance.
The bank account is currently in the name of our mom, Rose McCormick. When Jeff is lucid again and can speak for himself, the bank account will be transferred to his name. (We obviously couldn't open an account in his name for him).
The bank account is just a traditional checking account at this time. Donations to it are not tax deductible. It is a new account, established singularly for this purpose and separate from any existing personal accounts.
For those who would like to donate, there are several ways.
Online Using Paypal
You can use paypal to donate by clicking this button. (The button is also on the right side of the blog now).

(Click any address for map)
1. 461 S Reino Rd., Newbury Park, CA. 805.480.1152
2. 148 W Hillcrest Drive, Thousand Oaks, CA. 805.497.7559.
3. 248 Hampshire Rd., Westlake, CA. 805.494.3311
4. 3960 E Thousand Oaks Blvd., Westlake Village, CA. 805.497.3764
I forgot about the WAMU at Janss and Moorpark in T.O. when I was setting this up. I'll get that bank added on Monday
For those who are near a WAMU facility other than the 4 specified, you can of course donate at at your location anywhere in the country but you would need a complete account number to do so so please contact us if you would like that.
For those making deposits at a bank please know that the bank does not tell us who makes the deposits. I'm sure Jeff will want to thank you so if you would like to let us know you've made a gift, please email us at and I'm sure he will be honored to thank you when he is able. If you prefer to remain anonymous, we respect that as well and we offer you our heartfelt gratitude on his behalf.
If you prefer, you can mail a donation to the address shown in the right column on the blog (the address on Baseline Road) and we will deposit it. Please make checks payable to Rose McCormick.
Thank you to those of you who have inquired about offering financial assistance and thank you to everyone for your patience with my deviation from the intended purpose of this blog.
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